
Drafted May 1, 2002
Revised September 30, 2005
Revised December 19, 2018
Edited March 23, 2023 (Terminology update: replaced Webmaster with Web Manager.)

Article I: Name and Objectives

Section 1: Name.

The name of the organization shall be the Community of Oklahoma Instruction Librarians (COIL). COIL is a special interest section of the Oklahoma Chapter of College and Research Libraries (OK-ACRL).

Section 2: Objectives.

The objectives of COIL are:

  • To encourage and promote the usefulness and efficiency of Oklahoma academic library instruction programs.
  • To increase visibility of information literacy statewide.
  • To promote high professional standards.
  • To facilitate communication among COIL members.
  • To disseminate and exchange information and resources with the membership.
  • To cooperate with organizations that have similar or allied interests.

Article II: Membership

Membership shall be open to all OK-ACRL members who are interested in information literacy. All members who join OK-ACRL can indicate their interest by marking the OK-ACRL membership form in the proper place.

Article III: Organization

Section 1: Officers.

The officers of COIL shall be a chair, chair-elect, secretary, and web manager. The past chair shall serve as a member of the Steering Committee automatically upon completion of office term, and shall serve as advisor to the current officers, and shall work closely with the chair toward the organization’s goals for the year.

Section 2: Terms.

The term of office of the chair, chair-elect, secretary, and web manager shall be one year or until their successors are elected. They shall take office January 1st and shall serve through December 31st of each year.

Section 3: Eligibility.

Any member of COIL shall be eligible for election to office.

Section 4: Duties.

The duties of the officers shall be those which normally pertain to those officers and any other duties specified in the Bylaws.

a. Chair.

The chair shall have general supervision over the organization, shall recommend to the membership such measures considered desirable to further the objectives and broaden the effectiveness of COIL, shall attend OK-ACRL meetings as a non-voting representative, shall submit to OK-ACRL an annual report of COIL activities, and shall perform such other duties that customarily pertain to this office.

b. Chair-Elect.

The chair-elect shall officiate at all COIL meetings when the chair is not in attendance and shall perform such other duties that customarily pertain to this office.

c. Secretary.

The secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the current meeting and distribute copies to the membership and act as historian for all previous COIL records. The secretary shall officiate at all COIL meetings when the chair and chair-elect are not in attendance. The host institution shall send a notice and agenda to the membership three weeks before the next meeting.

d. Web Manager.

The web manager shall maintain the COIL website, is the primary contact person for the website, and in coordination with the Steering Committee, maintains, updates, and initiates efforts to improve the website.

Section 5: Vacancies.

Any vacancies shall be filled by promotion of officer or a special election.

a. Chair.

If the office of chair becomes vacant, the chair-elect automatically becomes chair and shall serve in that capacity until the next regular election.

b. Chair-Elect.

If the office of chair-elect becomes vacant, the Steering Committee shall, at the earliest possible date order a special election for the purpose of filling the office and shall serve in that capacity until the next regular election.

c. Secretary.

If the office of secretary becomes vacant, the Steering Committee shall, at the earliest possible date order a special election for the purpose of filling the office and shall serve in that capacity until the next regular election.

d. Web Manager.

If the office of web manager becomes vacant, the Steering Committee shall, at the earliest possible date order a special election for the purpose of filling the office and shall serve in that capacity until the next regular election.

Section 6: Steering Committee.

The Steering Committee shall be composed of the Past Chair, Chair, Chair-Elect, Secretary, and Web Manager. The Steering Committee shall plan meetings and other activities, will officiate at elections and other circumstances that require a ballot vote, and will have general oversight of the organization.

Article IV: Meetings and Programs

Section 1: Programs.

Programs constitute a continuing educational forum for guest speakers and presentations designed to meet the COIL objectives. Generally, the programs will be held on Fridays, with a tentative calendar for the year set by the officers.

Section 2: Business Meetings.

Business meetings are conducted to manage short and long term goals for the organization. Generally, business meetings are held after programs. A quorum for business meetings shall be at least two officers and at least 4 members.

Section 3: Special Meetings.

The Chair upon request of the members or officer including the chairperson may call special meetings. Adequate notice of such meetings shall be given to each member. The chairperson will represent COIL at all OK/ACRL board meetings as an ex-officio non-voting member of the Board.

Article V: Nominations and Elections

Section 1: Nominating Committee.

A nominating committee, composed of three members, shall be appointed by the chair in August.

Section 2: Ballots.

The nominating committee shall mail ballots and/or provide electronic ballets to the members in October.

Section 3: Election Process.

The candidate who receives the largest number of votes for an office shall be elected. The chair shall not vote except in the event of a tie.

Section 4: Election Results.

Information about COIL and its meetings will be distributed at the beginning of the year after the new officers meet. A list of new officers will be included in that mailing.

Article VI: Amendments

Section 1: Proposals.

Amendments to the Bylaws may be proposed by petition of a majority of the members. Notice containing the text of proposed amendments shall be sent to each member at least two weeks before the meeting at which it is to be discussed.

Section 2: Ratification.

Amendments to the Bylaws shall be ratified upon majority approval of the members.