You’re invited to unCOILed 2021!
Teaching Information Literacy with Projects, Passions, and Pastimes
Are you interested in learning how to utilize your own geeky hobbies and passions in information literacy instruction and outreach? Join the Community of Oklahoma Instruction Librarians (COIL) at this year’s unCOILed conference and hear how librarians are using their interests to engage students and become better instructors. This year we have a very exciting keynote speaker and sessions presented by librarians from Oklahoma and across the US!
When: July 16, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM (CST)
Where: Zoom
Registration: $20 ($15 for students)
*Please note that we are unable to accept POs. Payment will be accepted via PayPal.*
Register at
Sessions will be recorded and sent to all registered participants.
Click here to see the Full Conference Schedule and Session Descriptions
We are very excited to announce our keynote speaker: Jessamyn Neuhaus, author of Geeky Pedagogy: A Guide for Intellectuals, Introverts, and Nerds Who Want to Be Effective Teachers. Keynote description:
Geeky Pedagogy: A Path to Effective Online and Face-to-Face Teaching for Bookworms, Nerds and Introverts
In this keynote, I discuss ways that nerdy college instructors like myself, who are often better at research, reading, and scholarly work than “peopling,” can apply our academic skills and abilities towards acquiring pedagogical content knowledge and effective teaching, whether online or face-to-face. In short, I’ll be inviting you to geek out about teaching and learning! Through the lens of the five pedagogical practices I detail in my 2019 book Geeky Pedagogy: A Guide for Intellectuals, Introverts, and Nerds Who Want to Be Effective Teachers (West Virginia University Press)—awareness, preparation, reflection, support and practice—we’ll explore some proven, sustainable techniques for effective teaching and learning in the new poly-synchronous higher education class modality. My goal is to empower you to fight the “super-teacher” myth, inspire you to cultivate an educator’s growth mindset, and add some new tools to your teaching tool kit.
Featuring 50 minute sessions and 15 minute lightning talks discussing:
- YA Lit
- Escape rooms
- Dungeons & Dragons and other TTRPGs
- Comic books
- TikTok
- Video games
- Cosplay
- And more!
Please contact Ashley Bean, 2021 COIL Chair, at if you have any questions.